Things to Ask a Midwife When Considering Care Options

When considering a midwifery care option, it’s important to gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision. A profoundly personal choice, choosing a midwife for the birth of your child should be made by you and your partner. The capacity of midwives to project a sense of serenity while performing medical procedures as trained professionals is astonishing.

Things to Ask a Midwife When Considering Care Options

It’s crucial to know your needs and make sure they mesh nicely with your expectations for the labor process before selecting a midwife. Although a perfect match between the two is ideal, your and your child’s health and safety should always come first.

Common Questions to ask Before Choosing a Midwife

These questions are designed to help you gain insight into the professional skills of a midwife while making sure your values and desires align well with each other.

    • How many births have you witnessed, and what did your training entail?

    • How much do you let things happen on their own?

    • How do you feel about working with other medical specialists like doctors and nurses?

    • Do you participate in pre-labor care? Do you continue to participate in the postpartum period?

    • What kinds of issues related to childbirth are you trained to handle?

    • Where do you feel most at ease giving birth?

    • What kind of feeding should I prepare for while thinking about all aspects of care, from pre-labor through postpartum?

    • Do you participate in the delivery process, and if so, when and how?

    • How do you handle a birth emergency and what experiences do you have with it?

    • Are you constantly available for inquiries or contact?

    • Will you still be able to be in the room if labor starts early?

    • What tools do you use when making a delivery?

    • What routine checks, if any, do you conduct while laboring?

    • In the event of an emergency during our at-home delivery, who would you call and would you stay with me if I needed to be taken to the hospital?

    • Who is able to grab the infant?

    • How will you look after the infant, and how long will you be involved?

    • Can you provide me with references from mothers you’ve previously worked with?

It is expected that you and your spouse will have additional questions that are particular to your wishes and needs as a couple, even while these are generic questions that should help you get a sense of the type of expert you will be dealing with.

While looking for the best personal fit for you, don’t be scared to ask questions or worry about interviewing several midwives. In the end, this is a very significant time in your life and the lives of your family. When selecting a midwife to work with, never feel as though you have to make a compromise.

Reference (n.d.). Retrieved December 17, 2022, from

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